Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Dream is Realized!

Saturday, September 11 th I awoke at 4:30 with the need to pee. I decided since I was already up I decided I should take a pregnancy test (4 days past due). I used a test my friend had given me the month before when we were sure I was pregnant. Now the problem with this is all I had was the test in the package, no directions or brand listed. So here I am starring at this test trying to figure out what I should be seeing. I spent 45 minutes searching online trying to find out if my test was to have a plus sign and a dash sign or just two dashes. I COULDN’T find anything online that looked like mine or had blue markers instead of pink. Finally I decided to wake the hubby; mind you it is 5:15 am on a Saturday at this point. I walked into our almost pitch black room and whispered “Babe, can you help me with something?” He responded, very sleepily “Yah, whatcha need?” I turned on the light and said “I took a pregnancy test and I think it’s positive, but I’m not sure.” No exaggeration he jumped straight to his feet! I’ve never seen him so excited or willing to get up that early, let alone on a Saturday!!!!!! He came into the bathroom and looked at it “Yah, I think it’s positive!” I still wasn’t certain; I didn’t want to get my hopes up. So I asked if we could go to the store and find the package to make sure. He went and got dressed and sat on the stairs playing on his phone while I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I came out of the room and gave him my usual “Babe, REALLY?!?!?” At which point he responded “Why don’t you ask me what I’m doing before you get upset.” So I huffed and asked “Ok, what are you doing?” With the cutest little grin he responded “I’m checking to see what the best pregnancy test is. So we can buy it and make sure we’re using the most accurate one. I’ve check 7 sites and they all say First Response.” Yep that’s my adorable, research driven husband! You don’t buy ANYTHING without checking to see what’s going to give you the best result!

So, we went to Wal-Mart at about 5:45 am on a Saturday to buy a pregnancy test. Now as most of you (or to be realistic all of you) know we both look like we are in high school. We joked the whole way there about how people were going to take one look at us and assume two high school students are having a pregnancy scare. After we’d been home for an hour or so I was ready and able to take my second test. Armed with a full bladder and my new digital pregnancy test, I headed off to the restroom. After a few seconds there was my answer . . . “Yes ”. After reading the result I went flying down the stairs to Sean whom was relaxing on the couch watching some TV. I jumped on the couch, almost right on top of him; “Babe! It says yes! I’m pregnant!” I’ve never seen Sean’s face light up like that and the hug I got couldn’t have been any better! I of course, started bawling. We spent the rest of the morning laying around and calling each other “Baby Momma” and “Baby Daddy”.