Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sarah's Shower!!!!!!!

I'm guessing this will come as NO shock to any of you whom know me well, but I've be obsessing over my sister's baby shower! We are both expecting little girls and our due dates are only 2 wks apart! I am in FULL planning mode now and with my new found love Etsy, I’ve been able to get a custom made invitation; allowing me to design a shower unlike anyone else’s!

Along with my new love I have also found MANY blogs and sites out there FULL of inspirations and DIY tips and tricks. As much as I want to post everything I’ve done so far, I want to keep some of it a surprise for momma to be. So, as much as I want to start posting pictures you’ll just have to wait until after her shower in April.

But just for a teaser here is her invite designed by Mary.

The bedding she has picked is a bird theme and I decided to use that as the theme for the shower as well. Thanks to Mary at Trinity StStudio I have a PHENOMENAL invitation and printing rights to the image. This will allow me to make custom thank you notes, decorations and tags for the shower. I must say Mary has been amazing throughout the last 2 weeks. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and control freak, surprise. She has bent over backwards to make sure everything, for the wording to the colors was just how I imagined it. I can’t wait to start making decorations and purchasing items for the shower!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Start of Quinn's Room

Here is a peek at Quinn's room! Things still need to be hung and there are a few touches left to purchase, but I'm SO excited about her room! We (Me) are going with a shabby chic feel to the room, lots of white details with vintage touches.
This is her bedding! It's by Trend Lab and is called Olivia. I fell in LOVE with this bedding. I was a little scared when I ordered it because it's an online purchase only (they don't carry it in the store). To my surprise it OVER exceeded my expectations!!!!!!!!!! One of my favorite things about it, which is also one of my struggles with it, is that the colors are not pink and they aren’t purple either. The reason I love this is it’s not your typical baby bedding colors. However, I learned in the beginning that only makes it EXTREMELY hard to find it’s that match.

It wasn’t until I found this light plate that I realized what her room needed to look like (Little Boutique Switch Plate Baroque)!  Enter the shabby chic designs!  This one little light plate determined EVERYTHING! 

I was lucky enough to be looking through the clearance section at Babies R Us when I found this picture and frame!  While I do love the picture in the frame, the colors are too far off to use in Quinn’s room.  However, the frame is PERFECT!  And the best part . . . clearance price was $8!!!!!!!  The plan for this little gem is to take the current picture out, put in a mat and then replace the picture with a picture of Quinn when she arrives!!!!!!  This will go above her dresser.

This is the paper I used to cover my wooden letters bought at Hobby Lobby.  The paper was bought at Archiver’s .  It has a beautiful shimmer to it!!!!!!!!!!!

And here are the letters! They were an unfinished wood that I spray painted white and then covered with the paper I had purchased at Archiver’s. I loved the way each letter had a dainty swirls to it. I’m going to attach ribbon to the tops of each letter to hang them by. I haven’t decided if I’m going to use a frilly white or go with a chocolate brown yet. Once the ribbon is attached they will be hung above the frame that is being hung above her dresser.

This lamp was mine when I was younger and has managed to move with me throughout the years.  While finishing unpacking we stumbled upon it and decided to use it in Quinn's room.  The shade that was on it was old, faded and blue.  So I went on a shade hunt.  My original plan was to use a dark brown shade.  However, upon my quest I found this shade at Target.  I then went and bought some brown dye with the intentions of coloring it.  But once I got it in the room and on the lamp I decided it needed to stay white.  There was just something about the simplicity of the white against the light brown walls and the way the material ruffles.  It was the perfect shade of the job!
I CAN'T wait to find the last few details needed to finish her room!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Daddy Feels Baby Quinn for the FIRST Time!!!!!!

Well thank goodness for all this snow!!!!! Sean was supposed to work his second job tonight, but after a 20 minute drive turned into almost a 2 hr drive; he came home! Why all the excitement? Well of course I'd rather him be at home, but that's not the best part. We've been hanging out on the couch watching TV when Quinn started in on her Nina tricks. I read that this week we might be able to see her move. So, as she's practicing her kicks and flips I decided to take a look. Sure enough with in a few moments she did it again and you could see my belly bump out!!!!! I immediately told Sean and he got to sees it. So he very quickly and carefully placed his hand on my belly. In a matter of moments she moved and Sean could feel her! Can you say epic moment. I, of course, started laughing and bawling at the same time. I've been DYING for him to feel her move. So, thank you mother nature for bringing this blizzard to Kansas City, because of you my hubby was home and got to feel our baby move for the FIRST time!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

23 week check up complete!

Today was check up day. So far I've gained a whopping 7 lbs. And trust it's not from a lack of eating! I eat my regular calories (I don't keep track, but sticking to regular meals) and enjoy a few extras each day. For the last, oh two months, I've been living on Pizza Hut hot wings! Sean has decided that Quinn's going to refuse to eat unless we mix hot sauce in my milk first. I'm pretty sure she's sucking all the food right out of me. This could be a good thing, less weight to loose after she's born. However, I'm a little worried; I mean if she's consuming All her calories and mine, how big will she be!!!!! I'm excited to meet her, but have NO desire to deliver a 10 lbs baby.

Quinn's been pretty active lately too. I was pretty sure she was rearranging her space yesterday, making it more fung shway I suppose. There was some, what felt like; full body pushing out. The best way I can explain it is: it was like she used her hands and feet to push off my back, while arching her back and pushing out! She spent most of the day this way.I had one large, and painful; lump in my lower abdomen.

We learned at the that she is no longer breech! She is rear up. Maybe that's what she was working on all day yesterday? Anyway we were able to get a second chance at a sonogram, thanks to our phenomenal sonographer, Diana! She is still on target for a May 18th due date and still a girl! I really didn't figure that would change, but it's nice to have that reaffirmed!

We also got some AMAZING news from my sister today, she is having a girl as well!!!!!! As if it wasn't exciting enough to be pregnant together. Then you add how close our due dates are, practically twins. NOW we find out they are both going to be girls!!!!!!! This is going to be a summer filled with fun and frills!!!!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

23 week check up tomorrow!

Tomorrow I go to the Dr. for my 23 week check up (technically I'm not 23 weeks till Wednesday).  Sarah also has an appt tomorrow and hopefully we will find out what baby Capps is, I REALLY don't want to wait till Thursday, so cooperate little!  Baby Quinn needs to know if she's getting a boy cousin or girl!!!!!  I'm SO incredibly excited that our babies will be so close in age (approximately 2 wks apart!!!!!!).    It's also amazing how many of our friends are  or just had babies!  I can't wait for summer BBQs and play dates!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day with Our Fur Babies!

Today was my FIRST snow day! We had SO much fun playing in the snow, just wish daddy could have been here too! I couldn't get Bear to come in, she LOVES the snow. Stitch was CRACKING me up, he kept sticking his head in the snow, then when he'd look up his face was covered! He'd stand there for a minute and then shake his head something fierce, to get the snow off; as if he had NO idea it was going to be cold!.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

21 wk pic

Well I've had some people asking for a pic of the belly and while it's not very big here it is! Can you believe we are just over half way there! In approximately 22 more weeks we will be meeting our little girl. I've said it a million times and will continue to say it: This is the coolest thing I will EVER do!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

HELP! There's a Ninja Assassin Trapped in My Belly!

So, I'm sitting on the couch after dinner and Quinn starts going CrAzY! There were body parts flailing around in there. According to EVERYTHING I've read we shouldn't expect to be able to feel her from the outside of my belly until the end of February. However, there were quite a few times I KNOW I could. I had my left arm resting on my lower belly and I felt her hit it (as if she were saying "Hey up there, move it!). I am now quite convinced she is a ninja assassin princess trapped in my belly!