Monday, March 12, 2012

Eek! 10 months!!!!!!

So tomorrow marks Quinn's 10 month birthday!!!! I can't believe in just 2 short months my BABY will be 1 yr old! So much has happend in the last month: Quinn got 3 new teeth (making for a total of 6), she is able to walk short distances behind her walker or while holding our hands, started army crawling, can go from laying down to sitting up on her own, says "dog" while playing with Bear and Stitch and can crawl! I can't even begin to imagine what the next 2 months will bring!

Here are some of my favortie pictures from her 9 mo photo shoot!  Once again I'd just like to say how lucky I am to have an wonderful friend who happens to be an AMAZING photographer!  Sarah Fields you are THE best!!!!!!!!!