Monday, May 9, 2011

Late Night and an Eviction Notice

Last night was a LATE night for Sean and I. After having steady and strong contractions from 1-7 we decided to get checked out at the hospital. I REALLY didn't want to go and be sent home! For.the first 30 minutes we were hooked up to a monitor to check the length and timing of my contractions. Once this was done they did a pelvic exam and determined I had had any progression. So, we loaded up with water and spent the next hour walking the halls. They then hooked me back up to the monitor for another 30 minute observation, which ended up being much longer thanks to l the water I'd drank. They then did another exam and still found no change. It was decided that my contractions were where they needed to be, however I wasn't processing. So, they gave me some meds to help with the pains from the contractions in order to help me sleep. They monitored me for awhile longer, to make sure the meds were taking affect and at midnight sent us home. I was told to keep hydrated and rest! So, today I've been lounging around as much as possible. I've had a few contractions while resting, but nothing note worthy. However, as soon as I get up I instantly start contracting.

I went to the Dr Today for my weekly checkup! I've had no progress from last week (dilated @ 3 and about 90% effaced). They did another fluid check on Quinn. The last 2 sonograms showed her fluids @ about 5.6. 5 is the lowest they will let the fluids get. Quinn aced her test today, We were up to 11!!!!! The sonographer said that it's not uncommon foe the levels to fluctuate like this. Quinn drinks the fluid and then releases. Therefore it is very possible that her fluids were low because she had a full bladder.

While visiting with Dr Perryman he asked if I had thought about an end date (at what point would I want to be induced)? After talking we set an appointment for 7 am on Monday May 16. So, if Quinn hasn't blesses us with her presence, she will be evicted next Monday!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOO ready to meet her!

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